Business Loans Blog Posts | Page 5

Don’t Want (Or Were Denied) An EIDL Or PPP Loan? Here Are Your Best Small Business Loan Alternatives

The PPP and EIDL programs have distributed a massive amount of funding to struggling businesses in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. However, many businesses have been unable to secure funding from these programs despite applying when directed and meeting all the relevant qualifications. Whatever the reason, there are business owners out there in need of funding that have not been served by the PPP or EIDL programs. That’s why we’ve set out to highlight other lending options — both public and private — that are currently available to small businesses.

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Jun 19, 2020 Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business

Small Business Riot Damage Relief: What To Expect & How Your Small Business Might Be Able To Get Assistance

The question of who pays for damage following riots is often a tricky one. Business owners generally have several avenues to pursue: insurance, government aid, and/or private support through loans or donations. Success in these avenues can vary wildly from business to business, however. Read on for a look at the history of rioting in America and how small businesses can recoup losses from riot-based damage.

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Jun 3, 2020 Filed under: Business Insurance, Business Loans, Small Business

Tech Equipment Leasing VS Buying: Should You Lease Or Buy Computers & IT Equipment?

Computers, IT equipment, and related items pose unique issues for businesses trying to decide whether to lease or buy. Tech equipment becomes obsolete more quickly than almost any other type of equipment, making it a poor long-term investment. At the same time, many businesses need to keep their tech hardware up-to-date in order to remain competitive. Should you buy or lease your tech equipment? Read on.

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May 28, 2020 Filed under: Business Loans, Equipment Financing

6 Financing Options For New Entrepreneurs

Starting any business can be challenging, but the quick growth and turnaround times commonly associated with entrepreneurial ventures come with their own particular set of challenges. You’re entering a fast-paced and cutthroat segment of the economy with both high risks and high rewards. To start your journey as an up and coming entrepreneur, you’ll need to take stock of your financing options.

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Apr 30, 2024 Filed under: Business Loans, Crowdfunding

PPP Forgiveness: What To Do If You Got A Paycheck Protection Program Loan & Your Employees Won’t Come Back

US small businesses and their workers are in a really tough spot right now. While some businesses are legally allowed to reopen, employees are feeling uncertain about returning to work. Complicating the situation even further, businesses who recently received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan are now calling workers back. These businesses are required to spend the federal loan proceeds on payroll in order for the loan to be forgiven—but in some cases, the workers do not want to return, often because they are making more money on unemployment benefits.

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May 7, 2020 Filed under: Business Loans

How Do Small Business Loans Work? Learn The Basics

If you’re wondering how business loans work, you are probably in the early stages of research for getting business financing. You have taken an important first step: gathering information about what the process is like and learning what to expect if you continue your search for a loan.

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Aug 21, 2023 Filed under: Business Loans

PPP Loan Forgiveness: Rules & Guidelines

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is bringing much-needed relief to small business owners affected by the coronavirus. Not only does this loan program provide funding to help cover payroll and other expenses, but if used for qualifying purposes, your loan will be forgiven. In this post, we’re going to help you understand how you can qualify for PPP loan forgiveness.

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Nov 29, 2021 Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business