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Frank Kehl

Expert Contributor

Expertise: Payments

Education: Juris Doctorate, Ventura College of Law

Frank has been writing about payment processing and business services since 2015. He is a retired Air Force officer and a former practicing attorney. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University and a Juris Doctorate degree from the Ventura College of Law, and currently resides in Paso Robles, California.

Merchant Maverick Archives for Frank Kehl Review is an excellent choice for both low-risk and high-risk merchants alike. We’re particularly impressed that the company is able to support some of the more challenging high-risk industries, such as CBD and cannabis dispensaries. receives an overall score of 4.5 out of 5 stars, and we strongly recommend it for your business.

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May 17, 2024 Filed under: Merchant Account Reviews

Clearly Payments Review

Overall, Clearly Payments receives a score of 4.5 out of 5 stars. We strongly recommend the company for larger businesses that need a full-service merchant account and can benefit from the company’s pricing structure. For a look at other great choices in payment processors for Canadian merchants, check out our article on the best merchant accounts for Canadian small businesses.

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Feb 14, 2024 Filed under: Merchant Account Reviews

GoCardless Review

Overall, GoCardless rates as one of the best ACH processing companies that we’ve seen to date. The company’s pay-as-you-go pricing model makes it ideal for very small businesses that only need to accept an occasional ACH payment. At the same time, its full array of features and customization options make it a great choice for much larger enterprises as well.

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Jan 11, 2024 Filed under: Payment Gateway Reviews
Stripe versus Shopify

Stripe Vs Shopify: 2024 Comparison

Both Stripe and Shopify Payments are excellent choices for a multichannel business, but both providers offer several unique features that will make one a better choice than the other for businesses that need those features. Stripe is generally less expensive overall due to the lack of a monthly subscription fee for a basic account.

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Mar 12, 2024 Filed under: Credit Card Processing

Merchant Account Fees Explained: Everything You Need To Know About Credit Card Merchant Fees

While merchant account fees are definitely irritating (and expensive!), they’re often an inevitable cost of doing business. Even if you sign up with a payment service provider like Square that doesn’t charge monthly fees, you’ll still be paying the costs associated with maintaining your account in the form of higher transaction processing rates.

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Mar 28, 2023 Filed under: Credit Card Processing