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Data Reports Blog Posts

Largest Credit Card Networks

According to the Nilson report, there were $932.85 billion in outstanding balances on credit cards in 2021. American Express saw the highest outstanding balances per card at $2,153, but had the lowest percentage of delinquencies among accounts that were carrying a balance.

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Mar 19, 2024 Filed under: Business Credit Cards, Data Reports

Largest Payment Processors

A merchant acquirer is a financial entity, frequently a bank, that provides the settlement infrastructure for credit and debit card transactions. They also represent the backend of popular payment processing platforms like PayPal, Square, and Stripe, which in turn provide middleman services between the business and the merchant acquirer.

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Jan 16, 2024 Filed under: Data Reports

2023 Best States For Black Entrepreneurs

The Mid-Atlantic and Southern regions are fortifying their reputation as the best states for Black entrepreneurs, with the Gulf states of Louisiana and Florida joining their ranks thanks to an increase in Black business creation within their borders. This is the finding from Merchant Maverick’s annual report on the Best States for Black Entrepreneurs.

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Oct 11, 2023 Filed under: Data Reports, Small Business

5 Jobs Most Likely Impacted By The Recession

The average worker may be wondering what kind of impact this recession could have on job security. If you’re a construction worker, auto technician, sales rep, fabricator, or part of middle management, you may want to have a backup plan if things take a turn for the worse, particularly if you live in one of the states hit hardest by recent inflation. Medical professionals, public employees, and truckers have less to worry about.

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Aug 24, 2022 Filed under: Data Reports

The 10 U.S. States Where Inflation Is Hitting Consumers The Hardest

Inflation is taking a big bite out of Americans’ purchasing power, but residents of Southern states may be feeling the hit to their wallets more intensely than elsewhere. Merchant Maverick’s inaugural report, The 10 U.S. States Where Inflation Is Hitting Consumers The Hardest, looks not only at where inflation is rising the fastest, but how much existing factors within a given state may contribute to the stress on a household budget.

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Jun 20, 2022 Filed under: Data Reports

Top States Most Likely To Survive A Recession In 2022

In Merchant Maverick’s inaugural data report on The Best States In Which To Survive Recession, our analysis found that the states in the best condition to mitigate the effects of a recession aren’t where you might expect. Most of them, as it turns out, are in the Heartland.

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Apr 11, 2022 Filed under: Data Reports